Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Comparing Person-based Therapy and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

Abstract This paper presents a comparison of two therapeutic concepts, person-centred approach and cognitive behavioural therapy in terms of the role of counsellor and client. It specifically describes the role of the client and counsellor and then compares them accordingly. The paper will also discuss the strengths and limitations of the two approaches in order to differentiate them better. Introduction Both person-centred therapy and cognitive behavioural therapy provide support and help to patients by addressing individual matters. Both practices share the common therapeutic goal of welfare improvement. The necessity of an integrated approach to person-centred therapy and cognitive behavioural therapy has called for numerous researches to investigate the roles of the different parties (Moon, 2006). In the comparison of the two therapeutic concepts in terms of the role of counsellor and client, there is a clear difference that is well defined in the subsequent discussions. In person-centred, the patient is the expert on himself and finds his or her own way, while in CBT the counsellor is the expert and leads the patient (Branaman, 2001). The approaches also have strengths and limitations that are discusses comprehensively. Therapeutic relationship The role of the client and the counsellor In terms of the therapeutic relationship, it is critical to make sure that the result of the therapy is effective and desirable. In relation to these two approaches of counselling, the therapeutic relationships are different from each another. In each approach, the therapist and the client have different roles to play in the processes. Therapeutic relationship in the cognitive behavioural therapy resembles that between a student and his or her teacher (Burkitt, 2008). The role of the counsellor is to provide therapeutic instructions and recommendations to the client who listens and then does exactly as they are told by the therapist. In this kind of relationship, the therapist uses directive structures in directing clients on the changes in behaviour. In this instance, the therapist acts as the point of focus since they impact much on the client’s cognitive and behavioural changes (Branaman, 2001). However, for the purposes of desirable and effective outcomes, collaboration is emphasised in the process of the therapy. The therapist employs Socratic dialogue, which is essential in supporting clients in tenets like the identification of assumptions, values and norms that have affected the emotional and psychological functionality. It involves a disciplined questioning or probing that can be used in the pursuing of thought in various directions and for several purposes, which include exploration of complex ideas (Timulak, 2005). The therapist in this approach questions the client to find out the reality of things, to open up matters together with problems, to reveal presumptions and beliefs and to find out what they know and what they do not know, as well as following out rational meanings of thought and managing the discussion (Burkitt, 2008). The technique is important in the relationship between the client and the therapist because it is disciplined, methodical and normally focuses on critical principles, matters and problems. In addition to this, the client is encouraged by the therapist to chang e these assumptions and identify an unconventional concept for the present and future living (Timulak, 2005). The therapist, in this instance, assists in the promotion of the adoption of remedial learning skills. The client, in this kind of association is always presented with new insights in relation to the matters they are experiencing and thus chooses the most effective and efficient ways of acquiring change. The cognitive behavioural therapy employs the methods that are aimed at individual counselling. It employs the Socratic Method that comprises of numerous questions to be responded to by the client. Counsellors employ various techniques of behaviour, emotion and cognition; different techniques are tailored to fit individual clients (Wetherell et al 2001). Nevertheless, the client is also given chance to ask the therapist some questions. The approach utilises the aspect of homework or coursework that encourages the patients to practice the skills acquired. Therefore, cognitive behavioural therapy’s major technique is the ABC one, which employs the Socratic concept. On the other hand, the therapeutic relationship in the person-centred therapy is very different from the cognitive behavioural therapy. Here, the relationship between the therapist and the client is critical because the therapy focuses on the client as they turn to be the point of focus of the therapy. As a result of this, the therapist has to make sure that there is maintenance of respect, empathy and honesty towards the client (Timulak, 2005). Communication is also important in this approach particularly between the counsellor and the client. The relationship should be equal since it important in enabling change in the client. The client centred therapy approach utilises the attitudes of the therapist as the main technique. The therapist’s attitude towards the patient determines the result of the whole process. The approach makes use of the aspects of listening and hearing and clarification of feelings and ideas (Timulak, 2005). This approach does not employ the methods that encompass directive aspects. In this therapy, there is nothing like questioning or probing, which are commonly seen or done in the cognitive behavioural therapy. Strengths of cognitive behavioural therapy Of all the known psychological therapies, cognitive behavioural therapy is the most clinically researched and examined and is generally considered as one of the most effective means of dealing with anxiety (Wetherell et al 2001). The approach is affordable and the overall procedure of treatment can last for as few as six sessions of one hour each for minor cases of anxiety, though normally in the area of 10-20 sessions. It has more appeal or attraction in the sense that it is exclusively natural and different from medication, there are no harms or side effects. The therapy is most commonly provided as a face-to-face remedy between the counsellor and patient but there is more evidence to demonstrate that its principles can be used in several other frameworks (Denscombe, 2007). For instance, interactive computerized cognitive behavioural therapy is on the rise, however, it can be given in groups or in the self-help books. These alternatives are very appealing to people that find the pr acticalities or ideas of frequent meetings with a counsellor not suiting them. CBT is an approach that is highly structured and involves the patient and the counsellor collaborating on the objectives of treatment that are specific, quantifiable, time-limited, attainable and actual or real. The patient is motivated to break down the behaviours, feelings and thoughts that confine them in an undesirable cycle and they get to learn strategies and skills that can be used in the daily life for the purposes of helping them cope better (Burkitt, 2008). Weaknesses of cognitive behavioural therapy There are some problems with cognitive behavioural therapy that make it undesirable and unsuitable for some individuals. The concept might not be effective for individuals with mental health problems that are more complex or for those that have difficulties in learning. The major focus of the concept is usually about the patient and their capacity to change their behaviours. Some individuals feel like this is a focus that is too narrow, and disregards too many significant matters such as family, histories of self and extensive emotional issues (Moon, 2006). There is no scope within the concept for individual examination and exploration of emotions, or even of looking at the challenging issues from different angles or perspectives. For these matters to be dealt with in a proper manner, a patient would have to turn to another method, probably along the lines of the psychodynamic counselling. In order to fully gain from the cognitive behavioural therapy, the client has to make sure that they give a substantial level of commitment and dedication as well as participation. Those who argue against the therapy claim that since it only deals with the present issues, and focuses on issues that are very specific, it does not adequately address the probable causes of the mental health problems like a child who is not happy (Furedi, 2004). Sceptics of the concept claim that just by an individual being told that their perceptions of the world do not correctly reflect the reality by the concept’s counsellor are not enough to change the cognition of a patient. A criticism that is more salient for some patients might be that the counsellor initially may accomplish something of a specialist role, in the sense that they offer expertise or experience that is problem solving in the cognitive psychology (Palmer, 2001). Some individuals might also feel that the counsellor can be playing a leading role in their probing and somehow commanding in terms of their suggestions. Patients who are okay with self-examination, who readily employ the scientific approach for the exploration of their personal therapy and who put confidence in the basic theoretical method of cognitive therapy, might find the concept an important one (Gillon, 2007). However, patients that appear to be less easy or contented with any of these, or even whos e suffering is of a more common interpersonal nature, to an extent that it cannot be in a position of easily being framed as an interplay or interaction between behaviours, thoughts and emotions within a particular environment might find this kind of therapy useful to them and their conditions. Cognitive behavioural therapy has always proved to be helpful to the people that suffer from serious conditions, such as depression, uneasiness, fear or obsessive compulsive and panic (Denscombe, 2007). Strengths of person-centred therapy The concept of the approach is that the patient is the best professional or expert on themselves and has the best position of helping themselves. Its strengths include the fact that the patient is the one guiding the experience whereas the therapist reflects on what the patient is doing or saying and can paraphrase the ideas together with practices (Giddens, 2001). The therapist does not judge the patient as being right or wrong. The objective of the person-centred therapy is improving the trust of the patient in themselves and their self-confidence. It also helps them in becoming more able to live in the period, and letting go of the emotions that are unproductive and negative, such as guilt regarding the past events that are difficult to change (Branaman, 2001). Weaknesses of person-centred therapy The fact that the approach is client-led is one of its biggest weaknesses since it is up to the patient to be in a position of processing information and making rational decisions for their personal well-being. In case the client is not capable of doing this as required by the concept, the cornerstone of a therapist not making judgments about the information provided or processed by the client can turn out to be counterproductive to the patient’s welfare (Robb et al, 2004). The approach requires creation of an extended and honest relationship with a counsellor (Bolton, 2001). The advocates of this therapy would claim that the counsellor could work faster, if that is their wish. However, if they are less than one hundred per cent committed to working via their issues, the required duration of the treatment can seriously exceed or surpass the money and time of the patient. Still the counsellors would cite that unlike cognitive behavioural therapy, the major focus of the treatment or approach is about ‘being in the period’ and the concerns of today, instead of upon long-ago past excavation (Branaman, 2001). Conclusion In the discussions above, it is apparent that these two therapies have different approaches to treating patients of the same and different problems. Both of them focus on the conscious mind, the current issues and problems that the patients might have. Both of them have a positive perception of the nature of human beings and perceive the person as not essentially being an outcome of their past experiences, but recognise that they are capable of determining their individual futures. Both approaches try to improve the welfare of patients by way of a collaborative therapeutic relationship, which allows and enhances health adaptation techniques in patients that are having psychological pain and distress in their lives. The biggest differences in the two approaches include the fact that the relationship between clients and therapists differ. The role of the counsellor in cognitive behavioural therapy is to provide therapeutic instructions and recommendations to the client who listens and then exactly does as they are told, while in the person-centred therapy, the relationship between the therapist and the client is critical because it on the client as they turn to be the point of focus. References Bolton, G. (2001). Reflective Practice: Writing and Professional Development. London: Sage. Giddens, A. (2001). Sociology (4th Ed). Cambridge: Polity (Classic Text). Gillon, E. (2007). Person-Centred Counselling Psychology. London: Sage. Branaman, A. (2001). Self and Society. Oxford: Blackwell. Burkitt, I. (2008). Social Selves: Theories of Self and Society. London: Sage. Denscombe, M. (2007). The Good Research Guide. (3rd Ed). Maidenhead: Open University Press. Furedi, F. (2004). Therapy culture. London: Routledge. Moon, J. A. (2006). Learning Journals. London: Routledge. Palmer, S. (ed.) (2001). Multicultural Counselling: A Reader. London: Sage. Robb, M. et al (eds) (2004). Communication, Relationships and Care; A Reader. London: Routledge Timulak R. (2005). Research in Psychotherapy and Counselling. London: Sage. Wetherell, M., Taylor, T., Yates, S. J. ( eds) (2001). Discourse Theory and Practice: A Reader. London: Sage.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Billy Elliot Family

Describe at least ONE idea that was worth learning about in the text(s). Explain why the idea was worth learning about in the text(s) as a whole, using examples of visual and/or oral language features to support your ideas. The film Billy Elliot directed by Stephen Daldry, is set in the miners town of Durham in the north east of Engand in the 1980’s. The film focuses on Billy Elliot, a 12 year old boy who is pressured and abused by his violent family as he tries to pursue his love of dancing in a predominantly miners town where ballet is for girls.An idea I felt was worth learning about tin the film was the idea of family relations. I believe this idea was worth learning about because it showed me why Jackie and Billy held such disdain for Billy’s ballet, Billy’s feelings as a result of his families pressure and that family bonds can overcome great adversity. Throughout the film, Daldry uses a range of film techniques to portray this idea of family relations. The first reason why the idea of family relations was worth learning about was because it showed me why Billy and Jackie held such disdain for Billy’s ballet.Throughout the film, Billy and Jackie represent the major obstacle Billy has to overcome to pursue his love of ballet. Following the recent death of Tony and Billy’ mother (Jackie’s wife) everyone in the family is wrought with grief. Adding to this is the intensity of the miner’s strike going on in the town which Jackie and Tony are involved in. In this tense home environment, the last thing they wanted was their son to be doing ballet, especially in the highly stereotypical society they lived in where ballet dancers are labeled as ‘poofs’. The main reason Tony and Jackie hated ballet so much, was because it reflects badly on the family.Tony and Jackie are great fans of boxing and push Billy towards it, even though he is blatantly useless at boxing. With the high pressure of the time they a re in, Billy’s doing ballet is the last straw and Jackie and tony are furious. An example from the film to show Jackie and Tony’s opposition to ballet is the dialogue when Jackie says to Billy: â€Å"Ballet is for girls Billy. Boys do things like boxing or wrestling, not friggin’ ballet! † The patronizing tone Jackie uses and the incredulousness in his voice shows his obvious disdain for Billy. Another example from the film to show Jackie’s hate of ballet is hen he sees Billy in the ballet class for the first time. The background sound of the piano playing cuts out, creating a suspenseful environment, and the close up shot of Jackie’s red, manic face shows his rage at Billy doing ballet. The curt dialogue, â€Å"You! Out! ,† seals the deal showing there is no hope in Jackie’s eyes for Billy to continue participating in ballet classes. The idea of family relations showed me that Jackie and Tony held such disdain for Billyâ€℠¢s ballet under the high pressure circumstances they were in, and they didn’t want their families reputation to be tarnished by having a ‘poof’ in the family.The second reason why the idea of family relations was worth learning about was because it showed me Billy’s feelings as a result of his family’s pressure. Ever since he first see’s Miss Wilkinson’s ballet class dancing in the boxing gym, he is hooked on ballet as it is a way for him to express his natural love of dancing. He secretly trains with the class by telling his family he is attending the boxing classes. However, when Jackie sees him, his ballet classes are in jeopardy as his family is strongly against him training.But Billy continues to train secretly with private lessons with Miss Wilkinson. The first feeling I was shown as a result of his families pressure Billy’s love of ballet and dancing. Billy’s perseverance under his family’s pressure to conti nue with ballet throughout the film showed me Billy loved ballet so much he was willing to stand up to his violent family. An example of Billy’s love of ballet is the close up shot of his face after he nails his first pirouette. His face shows a wide grinning smile, showing his happiness at succeeding at ballet.While scene is going on, there is a crosscut to a montage of Billy In his bathroom practicing pirouettes. This showed his commitment to ballet. Throughout the film, there are also many symbols to show Billy is ‘caged in’ by his family and he wants to break free from their traditions and do what he loves. An example of this is when Billy’s father first sees him doing ballet. Jackie is on the outside of the cage and Billy on the inside, symbolizing that Billy is trapped by his family’s traditions.Another example is that the scenes of the mining village were shot in a tight-knit claustrophobic way to show that Billy was again trapped by the trad itions of the town and was claustrophobic, when Billy is dancing however, the shot widens up to show that when Billy is dancing he is free from his families pressure and expectations. The idea of family relations showed me that through his family’s pressure and traditions, Billy’s love of dancing was very great by the way he continued on with it despite his violent family, and that he felt caged in and claustrophobic by the miners town.The final reason why the idea of family relations was worth learning about was that it showed me that family bonds can overcome great obstacles. Early on in the film, Jacke and Tony are strongly against Billy continuing with ballet. This is symbolized by dialogue such as: â€Å"Ballet is for girls Billy,† and close up shots are used showing Tony and Jackie’s faces showing anger and frustration when the conversation concerns ballet. This changes when Jackie sees Billy dance for the first time.He is moved by Billy’s pa ssion and talent for dancing. In this scene, defiant music is played while Billy dances for Jackie showing he is finally standing up to Jackie. From here on in the film, Jackie starts to support Billy in his dancing by attempting to go back to the mines and selling his wife’s jewellery, which is very special to him. This change was very significant to me, as it showed that family bonds and the love in families could overcome obstacles, financial and social, as great ad the ones the Elliot family overcome.An example of the change in the Elliot family is that at the beginning of the film, Tony and Jackie are often portrayed by low angle shots when their behavior is threatening to Billy showing they are dominant, but towards the end of the film they are portrayed in mid-shots when talking to Billy to show equality between the family members. An example of this is when Jackie is talking to Billy in the meadow. This idea of family relations showed me that family bonds could overco me great obstacles and that family love is unconditional, despite the harsh circumstances.In conclusion, the film Billy Elliot by Stephen Daldry focuses on Billy as he tries to pursue his love of ballet despite the pressure of his family and their traditions. The idea of family relations in the film helped me to understand why Billys family was so against ballet, what Billy’s feelings were throughout the film and how family bonds can overcome great obstacles. Throughout the film, Daldry uses a range of film techniques to portray Tony and Jackie’s obvious disdain for ballet, Billy’s love of ballet and the tumultuous time the Elliot family is going throughout following the death of Jackie’s wife and the miners strikes.

Monday, July 29, 2019

A Reflection on the Welfare Provisions

A Reflection on the Welfare Provisions Welfare is the provision of necessary supports- be it monetary, social, or otherwise, for people who lack the current means to support their basic needs. The main goal of welfare is to aid those who do not have the ability to meet these needs with the income that they are currently earning. This welfare is usually provided by the government and takes form in different programs and policies. The social welfare system mainly addresses the social problems of poverty, disability, and the economic disparity that is found between the middle and upper classes and the lower class population. Economic welfare impacts the poor in many different ways by aiming to close the gap between where an individual is currently living financially and the level needed to support basic human needs. Programs such as TANF, food stamps, and housing and childcare vouchers are mainly aimed to help those living in poverty as they are need based programs. In order for an individual or family to be able to participate in these programs, they need to meet certain criterion that are based on poverty and financial aid. One issue directly stemming from this is that these programs are not available for those families deemed to be living above poverty. For those just above the need requirements for welfare programs, they may still be struggling to make ends meet but are not able to receive any governmental aid. This brings about the question of how we define poverty and the poverty line. Should those living above poverty but still struggling be able to receive financial aid? Does this require a shi ft in how we define the poverty line? Social welfare programs to aim to lessen the percentage of people living in poverty, but it’s important to consider just how successful different programs are. Social welfare is defined mainly as â€Å"direct public provision of cash and in-kind benefits to individuals and families, free or at below market cost† (Abramovitz). This system is often thought of as only serving to help poor people, but what many don’t realize is that its reach goes far beyond that. There are many social welfare programs that benefit middle and upper class people, and these programs are often seen to receive more federal funding and less stipulations than those that serve the lower class. Middle class and wealthy families do benefit from welfare in many ways. In 2000, the government spent more than 3 times as much funding on programs that do not require poverty or other need as a specification in order to receive aid than on the programs that did directly affect those living in poverty. There are many reasons for the disparity in funding- one main one being that there is a larger number of people living above the poverty line than those living at or below it. This difference also stems from the fact that program requirements for inclusion are normally less restrictive for those programs that benefit the middle and upper classes. These differences are highlighted in the U.S. House Committee on Way and Means’s comparison of disparities in average monthly cash benefits of individuals in welfare programs. This report looked at social security and public assistance as the two main categories of welfare programs, then focusing in on benefits per person. Retired worke rs received about $800 per month from social security while a family of 3 received $420 per month from TANF. This is just one disparity that helps us to see where society places its values. Historically, US policies and programs have treated those in the working class as more deserving of aid than people without jobs and single mothers. There’s a severe discrepancy in how we view those with and without jobs- often including an assumption that people without jobs are simply lazy and that single mothers are undeserving recipients because of their marital status. Social insurances are based on an individual’s prior earnings and â€Å"payroll contributions† (Marx) while public assistance is based on financial need. Social insurances such as social security are universal programs because they do not have a need-based criterion in order to participate. The latter is what is most commonly referred to as welfare, with much of the general public not recognizing that prog rams such as social security are also social welfare programs. Welfare benefits people of all classes in a multitude of ways. Society has, historically, looked down on welfare because it is seen as serving only those living in poverty. This fails to realize that the middle and upper classes also benefit from welfare programs, and that these programs are usually better funded than those serving the poor population. The social welfare system is expansive and aims to help people of all different financial levels.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Distributed Databases Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Distributed Databases - Research Paper Example 1). It is important to acknowledge that this article has outlined a significant set of valuable information about distributed systems. This is specifically on issues based on controlling concurrency of organization data and most importantly, the security of data and transactions handles by distributed database systems. The authors of the article address indicate that concurrency control and security threat is a very crucial subject of concern in distributed database networks. The article goes further to clarify that there has been no guarantee of execution of secure database transactions in most distributed databases. Specifically, the author outlines that, there is no clear platform for ascertaining that database transactions are always maintaining the ACID properties, which are atomicity, Consistency, Isolation and Durability (Vinod et al. 3). This paper describes that there are a number of concerns in the design of most distributed databases, which have negatively affected the performance of their respective distributed networks. Specifically, concurrency issues in the transfer of data along with security of the transactions handled by these systems have been indicated as significant subjects of concern. In a distributed database, the database spread over a wide number of computers, which communicate and share data via a well designed of computer data network. The database applications connected to the distributed database system have to work transparently on the database fragments (Vinod et al. 2). The paper outlines that concurrency control is a database management activity that focuses on coordinating database manipulation processes by a concurrent access to data while potentially interfering with one another. The main subject of concern in concurrency control is to ascertain serialisability of transactions

3 questions - statistics related Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

3 questions - statistics related - Assignment Example According to the table above, the mean average miles per gallon are 28.3792 when the total sample of purchasers is 24. In the same manner, out of the 24 sampled data, the sample variance is 8.859 whereas the sample standard deviation is 2.97643 as shown in the SPSS output table above. Under the sample of 24, which is below 30, the most appropriate statistical test, using the 0.5 significance level is the student’s t-distribution test. Under this test, the sample must be 30 or less, and the arithmetic mean is not normally distributed. According to the output table above, the Adjusted R squared is 0.030, meaning that only 3% of the variables explain the dependent variable Int. 2. The adjusted R squared helps in predicting how the regression model predicts responses for the explained observations. In this case, it is the fraction by which the variance of the errors that depends on the sum of squares is less than the variance of the dependent variables. Thus, as argued above, only 3% of the independent variables can predict the dependent variable statistically. When the ANOVA test is run in determining the means among populations, the f statistical value versus the critical value are determined. Under the corrected model, the f statistics is 3.227. Under the assumptions of the hypothesis tests, when the f statistic in attest is lower than the critical f value, then the null hypothesis is rejected. The value obtained means that under the purchase intensions implied by the data above, the null hypothesis is accepted and the independent variables in the states sampled explain the purchase variations. Also as shown in the second table, the means of the states in terms of consumptions are 37.0.18, 50.357, and 51.459 for the states IL, LA, and TX respectively. The standard error is also 4.339, 4.965, and 4.597 respectively as shown in the table

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Answering assigned questions about Tesla Motors Company Assignment

Answering assigned questions about Tesla Motors Company - Assignment Example Global acquisition and mergers activity has gone up in the current year. The year has registered an increase in activities of acquisition and mergers because of a number of reasons including; favorable credit markets, increased cash amount on balance sheets of corporate organizations, decreased interest rates and rise in stock market strength. Acquisition and mergers have become an option for the companies due to elusive internal growth. The rampant consolidations have forced shareholders to support the move with the aim of ensuring their businesses are able to acquire market shares. Research has indicated a rise in shares of both the sellers and buyers related to the announcement of mergers and acquisitions. One of the rumors this year is the possibilities of apple acquiring or merging with the Tesla motors (Mangram & Edwin, 28). The chief executive of the two companies has been in discussion this year pertaining to the same. For a business to be able to be among the best firms in the world, tesla still has a long way to go. It requires a product lineup that is bigger and it also has to hit the points of mass market price. The company has to come up with effective ways or system in place that will be essential in ensuring the cars manufactured are well distributed. The company also needs an innovation in battery technology. A new battery that will take a long time before it is recharged is required by the business to drive the wheels of the vehicle. The company also need to continue being competitive in the market. The company has to deal with the tremendous work that is ahead of the enterprise (Mangram & Edwin, 60). The company can only make an impact in the market and solve the issue raised through merging and acquisition. The company can merge with a corporation such as apple that has already made an impa ct in the competitive world. The auto manufacturing market is so competitive in the current

Friday, July 26, 2019

Module 3 SLP - microbial metabolic and environmental growth Essay

Module 3 SLP - microbial metabolic and environmental growth - Essay Example Different microbial species present varying degrees of thermal stability of its proteins and enzymes (Brooks et al., 2007). Hence, microorganisms display different temperature ranges that are optimal for their growth and metabolism. Those organisms which grow best at low temperatures (15-20 OC) are called psychrophiles. Mesophylic groups grow best at 30-37 OC while thermophilic forms grow best at a temperature range of 50-60 OC. According to a study conducted by Radke-Mitchell and Sandine (1986), L. bulgaricus has an optimum growth temperature range of 43-46 OC. On the other hand, E coli grows best at 37 OC, similar to the normal body temperature (Don, 2008). This is not surprising because E. coli forms a part of the body’s normal bacterial flora (Don, 2008). The significance of maintaining a certain range of pH for bacterial metabolism and growth is demonstrated by the fact that hydrogen ion concentration influences the integrity and functions of proteins, and other biochemical processes (Campbell and Reece, 2004). The acidity and alkalinity of the environment also affects the availability of nutrients essential for the growth of microorganisms. Those species that grow best at a pH range of 6.0-8.0 are called neutralophiles. Meanwhile, microorganisms with optimum pH growth of 3.0 or lower are classified as acidophiles while those with optima at a pH of 10.5 or higher are called alkaliphiles (Brooks et al., 2007). Beal et al. (2009) reported that L. bulgaricus achieve its highest biomass in culture when maintained at pH 5.0. Cell viability was also noted to be at its peak at pH 5.0 (Beal et al., 2009). On the other hand, the optimum pH for growth of E. coli is 6.0-8.0 (York et al., 1984). The process of energy production, termed respiration, operates by virtue of electron acceptors. Oxygen serves as an electron acceptor in bacterial respiration (Brooks et al., 20097). Organisms which strictly require oxygen for its

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Developing Staffing Plan for an Organization Research Paper

Developing Staffing Plan for an Organization - Research Paper Example An organization may prompt to promote staff from within rather than critically analyzing the needs and consequences to the organization. This strategy might not be effective towards the success of the organization (Bhat & Simon, 2008). Staffing plan enables organizations plan appropriately for the future through identification of current and future staffing requirements. This ensures compliance to the federal and state requirements, as well as assisting organizations in developing and communicating the staffing strategies to the stakeholders. Furthermore, staffing plan is critical in identification of contingency plans, and this addresses the staffing needs based on availability of resources. As a result, an organization can defend and explain the decisions taken when hiring or retrenching the personnel based on objective analysis and proper reasoning complimented by the staffing plan (Budahl, 1970). A staffing plan necessitates transformation of the staffing function to ensure alignment of the human capital to the strategic goals of a company. This enhances utilization of employee, competitive positioning and overall effectiveness.This report presents a website development staffing plan. It covers the literature review, the staff resource; staff assigned roles, resource loading and organizational structure. 2.0. Literature Review From the business point of view, not all staffing positions require full time commitment. Some key functions can be bundled up together to enable a single position cover more than one function. Furthermore, some major functions may be under board committee member or volunteer. Ideally, the staffing plan entails all the staffing needs within a period of 2-3 years. Whenever an opportunity of adding staff arises, the organization response can be quick and assured. The current staff, stakeholders and board members enhances collection of input through which a draft plan can be pulled together within a short duration. Mostly, the drafting process starts by establishing goals and mission of the organization and identification of customer requirements. Identification of customer requirements enhances determination of the kind of staff required as well as determining key functions to keep the organization afloat (Bhat & Simon, 2008). Staffing plan outlines the responsibilities and assignment of various staff to different duties to enhance accountability. This must address the need for any financing or fundraiser. The people enhancing funding should be among the staff. The staffing plan should clearly outline the business objectives. This state the measurable targets on how the business aims must be achieved and sets out the values of the business. This enhances comprehensive understanding of the underlying basis the business actions. Normally, the business objectives reflect the desired financial outcomes. These include the desired profit levels and sales, the growth rates, the amount of generated cash, and the dividends or business value paid to the stakeholders. The objectives can be corporate, functional or unit. Corporate objectives express the relationship of the entire business, and the top management takes

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Katy Texas ,Phenommenological features Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Katy Texas ,Phenommenological features - Essay Example In terms of economy, Katy community is surrounded by the headquartered offices known us Igloo Corporation, Academy Sports Outdoors, as well as BP America (Adams, 2012). Katy group has different parks and diversion focus. The sorts of social associations of Katy Community include the Harris County focus, Katy tigers, and the yearly Katy rice Harvest celebration portrays it. Katy group embodies incorporates the City of Katy additionally the huge segments of unincorporated Harris, Fort Bend, and Waller districts and characterized by the limits of the 181 sq mi (470 km2) Katy Independent School District. Most occupants of the zone have a Katy postal location creating some disarray. The Katy open workmanship extend on the region Economic Development Councils "Vitality Grows Here" marking activity are extensive scale ventures that have been propelled to help advertise, recognize and unite the Katy

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

The Role of Japan of World War ll Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

The Role of Japan of World War ll - Essay Example Japan started a war with China in 1937. In an effort to end the war of Japan against China, President Roosevelt shut off American trade with the Japanese, which made Japan more aggressive than before. The Japanese increasingly continued to look for strategic resources and raw materials southwards. However, the United States stood firmly, in Japan’s path. The United States pacific fleet at the Pearl Harbor was the only threat force with the capacity of challenging the Japan’s navy (Black, 2003). The American bases located at the Philippines also threatened the contact lines linking the East Indies and Japan islands. Every oil tanker heading to Japan had to pass through American-held Luzon. From these constraints, the Japanese war plans emerged. In analyzing this assignment, the assignment will discuss the role played by Japan in World War II. Based on this, background information on Japan that triggered the World War II will be discussed. In addition, the outcome of the war will also be discussed. Japan stood ready to overcome the whole South Asian Peninsula and the Dutch Indies, which was rich in oil. This planned conquer was as a result of Japanese lacking raw materials for its growing industries (Williams, 2005). The desire to conquer the Dutch Indies and the South Asian Peninsula angered the United States and an embargo developed between Japan and the United States. Negotiations targeted at ending the differences between the two countries failed since the countries were at odds with each other. The United States used force to make Japan withdraw from war against China and renounce alliance with Italy and Germany in 1940 (Williams, 2005). The Japanese were against the move by the United States; Japan was secretly planning an attack on the Philippines, Hawaii, and Guam. In 1941, the Japanese attacked the Pearl Harbor, which was viewed as a desperate action by Japan to escape from an earlier choice imposed by the United States.

Interview vs interrogation techniques Essay Example for Free

Interview vs interrogation techniques Essay While this may be an interrogation, the problem in this scenario is that it works under the assumption that Jacob is already guilty of the offense committed. It is the constitutional right of every person to be presumed innocent until proven guilty even if the person is caught in the act of committing a crime. By confronting the suspect or culprit, the police will not be able to elicit the information that is required. The questions that are being propounded by the police investigator do not allow Jacob the chance to answer the real questions which tend to deal with his commission of the offense. Being bombarded with such probing questions, in this case, the stacking questions will only serve to confuse Jacob and cause him to be defensive, thus nullifying any chance that the police will actually be able to get a confession from him. This is also an example of a loaded question which also serves to confuse Jacob. If I were the detective, I would ask open ended questions first to make the suspect feel at ease and allow him to answer the questions then ask closed ended questions that would help narrow down his interrogation to more specific items. This method works best in these situations because it adds a structure and a flow to the questioning and it leads to a desired outcome. Unlike the example in this scenario where there is no clear purpose as to the questioning. The detective should first determine the exact information that he wants to elicit from the suspect. Irrelevant questions such as the reaction of the parents should be avoided by the detective. The issue of motive should be approached differently instead of asking why the suspect committed a stupid act, the detective should instead take a neutral stance first and ask the suspect what exactly happened from his point of view then introduce evidence that may rebut his testimony to attempt to steer the suspect into telling the truth or even confessing.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Introduction to programming Essay Example for Free

Introduction to programming Essay As this course is titled â€Å"Introduction to programming†, therefore it is most essential and appropriate to understand what programming really means. Let us first see a widely known definition of programming. Definition: A program is a precise sequence of steps to solve a particular problem.† It means that when we say that we have a program, it actually mean that we know about a complete set activities to be performed in a particular order. The purpose of these activities is to solve a given problem. Alan Perlis, a professor at Yale University, says: See more: how to write an introduction paragraph for an essay It goes against the grain of modern education to teach children to program. What fun is there in making plans, acquiring discipline in organizing thoughts, devoting attention to detail and learning to be self-critical? It is a sarcastic statement about modern education, and it means that the modern education is not developing critical skills like planning, organizing and paying attention to detail. Practically, in our day to day lives we are constantly planning, organizing and paying attention to fine details (if we want our plans to succeed). And it is also fun to do these activities. For example, for a picnic trip we plan where to go, what to wear, what to take for lunch, organize travel details and have a good time while doing so. When we talk about computer programming then as Mr. Steve Summit puts it â€Å"At its most basic level, programming a computer simply means telling it what to do, and this vapid-sounding definition is not even a joke. There are no other truly fundamental aspects of computer programming; everything else we talk about will simply be the details of a particular, usually artificial, mechanism for telling a computer what to do. Sometimes these mechanisms are chosen because they have been found to be convenient for programmers (people) to use; other times they have been chosen because theyre easy for the computer to understand. The first hard thing about programming is to learn, become comfortable with, and accept these artificial mechanisms, whether they make sense to you or not. â€Å" Why Programming is important The question most of the people ask is why should we learn to program when there are so many application software and code generators available to do the task for us. Well the answer is as give by the Matthias Felleisen in the book ‘How to design programs’ â€Å"The answer consists of two parts. First, it is indeed true that traditional forms of programming are useful for just a few people. But, programming as we the authors understand it is useful for everyone: the administrative secretary who uses spreadsheets as well as the high-tech programmer. In other words, we have a broader notion of programming in mind than the traditional one. We explain our notion in a moment. Second, we teach our idea of programming with a technology that is based on the principle of minimal intrusion. Hence, our notion of programming teaches problem-analysis and problem-solving skills without imposing the overhead of traditional programming notations and tools.† Hence learning to program is important because it develops analytical and problem solving abilities. It is a creative activity and provides us a mean to express abstract ideas. Thus programming is fun and is much more than a vocational skill. By designing programs, we learn many skills that are important for all professions. These skills can be summarized as: Critical reading Analytical thinking Creative synthesis What skills are needed Programming is an important activity as people life and living depends on the programs one make. Hence while programming one should Paying attention to detail Think about the reusability. Think about user interface Understand the fact the computers are stupid Comment the code liberally Paying attention to detail In programming, the details matter. This is a very important skill. A good programmer always analyzes the problem statement very carefully and in detail. You should pay attention to all the aspects of the problem. You cant be vague. You cant describe your program 3/4th of the way, then say, You know what I mean?, and have the compiler figure out the rest. Furthermore you should pay attention to the calculations involved in the program, its flow, and most importantly, the logic of the program. Sometimes, a grammatically correct sentence does not make any sense. For example, here is a verse from poem Through the Looking Glass written by Lewis Carol: â€Å"Twas brillig, and the slithy toves Did gyre and gimble in the wabe â€Å" The grammar is correct but there is no meaning. Similarly, the sentence, Mr. ABC sleeps thirty hours every day, is grammatically correct but it is illogical. So it may happen that a program is grammatically correct. It compiles and runs but produces incorrect or absurd results and does not solve the problem. It is very important to pay attention to the logic of the program. Think about the reusability When ever you are writing a program, always keep in mind that it could be reused at some other time. Also, try to write in a way that it can be used to solve some other related problem. A classic example of this is: Suppose we have to calculate the area of a given circle. We know the area of a circle is (Pi * r2). Now we have written a program which calculates the area of a circle with given radius. At some later time we are given a problem to find out the area of a ring. The area of the ring can be calculated by subtracting the area of outer circle from the area of the inner circle. Hence we can use the program that calculates the area of a circle to calculate the area of the ring. Think about Good user interface As programmers, we assume that computer users know a lot of things, this is a big mistake. So never assume that the user of your program is computer literate. Always provide an easy to understand and easy to use interface that is self explanatory. Understand the fact that computers are stupid Computers are incredibly stupid. They do exactly what you tell them to do: no more, no less unlike human beings. Computers cant think by themselves. In this sense, they differ from human beings. For example, if someone asks you, â€Å"What is the time?†, â€Å"Time please?† or just, â€Å"Time?† you understand anyway that he is asking the time but computer is different. Instructions to the computer should be explicitly stated. Computer will tell you the time only if you ask it in the way you have programmed it. When youre programming, it helps to be able to think as stupidly as the computer does, so that you are in the right frame of mind for specifying everything in minute detail, and not assuming that the right thing will happen by itself. Comment the code liberally Always comment the code liberally. The comment statements do not affect the performance of the program as these are ignored by the compiler and do not take any memory in the computer. Comments are used to explain the functioning of the programs. It helps the other programmers as well as the creator of the program to understand the code. Program design recipe In order to design a program effectively and properly we must have a recipe to follow. In the book name ‘How to design programs’ by Matthias Felleisen.and the co-worker, the idea of design recipe has been stated very elegenlty as â€Å"Learning to design programs is like learning to play soccer. A player must learn to trap a ball, to dribble with a ball, to pass, and to shoot a ball. Once the player knows those basic skills, the next goals are to learn to play a position, to play certain strategies, to choose among feasible strategies, and, on occasion, to create variations of a strategy because none fits. â€Å"

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Political System of Pakistan

Political System of Pakistan INTRODUCTION The current system of government in Pakistan is a mixed, â€Å"hybrid† form of government with elements from the parliamentary as well as the presidential systems. The country initially had a parliamentary form of government, it shifted to a presidential one with the 1962 constitution but later reverted back to a parliamentary one according to the current 1973 constitution. However, the various amendments and modifications to the constitutional provisions carried out by political leaders over the years have left a democratic, parliamentary government only in paper. The question that this paper, thus, attempts to answer is that, is a pure parliamentary form of government suitable for Pakistan? To find a proper conclusion to the aforementioned question, the essay will explore the shortfalls of the current system and compare the two forms of government i.e. Parliamentary and Presidential, in order to suggest the better suited government structures of the two. In order to do this India, with its similarities to Pakistan in terms of shared history and culture, is taken as an example for Pakistan along with instances of the two types of democratic government systems prevalent in other countries. While the arguments for Parliamentary and Presidential forms of governments may draw inspiration from their practical application in India and elsewhere but these examples will be implied and not necessarily always mentioned explicitly. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY The research for this paper comprised primarily of review of works by established professionals and academics in the field. Most of the research was limited to consultation of print and online sources for access to published material on the relevant topic. The starting point of analysis was with examination of the text containing reviews of the current system of government structure in Pakistan, its flaws and the eventual inefficiencies it has led to. Various journal articles and books were consulted for a variety of perspectives on the debate regarding the suitable system of government for Pakistan. Along with consultation of material for analysis of government structure of various countries, especially India and the South Asian region in particular, online journals were looked upon for comparative perspectives on the suitable government structure and their merits and demerits. Although the research is limited to a select few academics and professionals in the field, it allows for a sample of the general prevalent views on the issue since both sides of the debate have been looked at. LITERATURE REVIEW A large majority of literature on the topic is either about the shortfalls of the current mixed government of Pakistan or it highlights how the presidential system of government is better suited for the country. What is needed, however, is a detailed comparison of the two systems and not just analysis of any one of the systems with regards to Pakistan. Material by foreign academics and professionals looks at the Pakistani political system in comparison to their own and focuses on the inadequacies of the Pakistani system. The following reviewed literature comprises of a small sample of previously conducted study and analyses on the subject under discussion. Khalid Sayeed (1967), in his book ‘The Political System of Pakistan, explained the chronological progression of events leading up to the constitution of 1962 and the provisions it made regarding the system of governance to be put in practice in Pakistan. Regarding the 1962 constitution, the author (Sayeed, 1967) was of the view that the constitution severely curtailed the powers of the parliament and reduced the country to a distorted version of a presidential government. The author provided a favorable opinion about the parliamentary form of government, provided that it is actually in its truly democratic form (Sayeed, 1967, pp. 83). Although the author has given his opinion with support through illustrative historical examples but the author has failed to mention, explicitly, the merits or demerits of either of the systems of government and his clear choice of the either of the two. The authors arguments seemed to reflect a leaning towards the parliamentary system but he does not clearly highlight his choice, leaving the audience a little ambiguous about his perspective. In the book entitled ‘Government of Pakistan, Parmatma Sharan (1975) gave an outsiders opinion regarding the system of government present in Pakistan with comparison to their home country, Indias government system. The author has sounded alarms regarding the high centralization of the government in Pakistan throughout the years ever since its independence. The author has said that this should be countered since a weaker leadership can, and has shown in actuality, the perils of a weak decision-making power in times of need (Sharan, 1975, pp. 150). Ahmed Shuja Pasha (1995), in his account of the scenario of the Pakistani politics, was of the view that people themselves are largely responsible for choosing the ‘wrong leaders as their democratic representatives. Pasha (1995, pp. 281-287) believed that the inefficiencies present in the political system of Pakistan are largely due to the fact that people associate democracy with one particular person who takes advantage of the situation and manipulates their powerful position for their own gains. Pashas (1995) views were a little biased as he does not consider the constant shuffling of the regime as much of a problem for the lack of people getting accustomed to the workings of a democracy. The authors views were favorable for the military as he finds the military having the most disciplined set up during the times it came into power in the country (Pasha, 1995, pp. 189-190). In an attempt to contextualize the latest Musharraf-led military coup in Pakistan, Sohail Mahmood (2001) tried to consider the factors that have led to the demise of true democracy in the country. He was of the view that regardless of the fact that the country is under parliamentary or presidential regime, the country has never truly been a democratic country because of the highly centralized nature of governance (Mahmood, 2001, pp. 7). The author also discussed the current semi-parliamentary system of Pakistan in comparison with a more presidential system like governance. He analyzed the merits and demerits of both (Mahmood, 2001, pp.128-129). Although the author presented a fairly balanced view about the situation, he merely referenced historical political situations as chronological facts without his opinions being clear regarding them. The autho,r Udaya N. Shukla, in his essay â€Å"Parliamentary Control over Government Policies in India† (1990) looked at the parliamentary system as a British legacy. The shortcomings in this system experienced in South Asia (by India as well as Pakistan) are attributed to the centralization and the lack of proper literate population to understand the exact nuts and bolts of a parliamentary government (Shukla, 1990). The author should consider that this leads to the political elite to manipulate the situation and also he should outline the kind of political elite that could benefit by the ignorance of the population regarding the system. This is important because it allows the audience to contextualize the problems that plague the current parliamentary form of government. Furthermore, it is not possible to make an absolute, decisive conclusion on the issue since access to every study and detailed research has not been possible and limited numbers of past discourses have been examined for the current analysis. ANALYSIS Pakistan, according to its constitution, is a ‘federal republic (Constitution of Pakistan 1973, Article 1(1)). This means that Pakistan is a country where several autonomous states have come together under a federation, the states being the self-governing provinces and the federal capital, Islamabad, being the centralizing federal authority. Being a republic, Pakistani government is a government where majority of the power vests among the larger body of citizens and where there is a head of state but that is not a monarch, the head of state is democratically elected, directly or indirectly (Merriam-Webster, 2011). The Constitution of Pakistan calls for a democratically elected government where the legislative authority is vested in the Parliament and the executive is led by the President (Constitution of Pakistan 1973, Objectives Resolution). The origins of the sort of power division proposed by the 1973 Constitution can be found in the ‘Separation of Powers doctrine proposed by Montesquieu (Anon. web). The Montesquieu doctrine called for division of the powers to govern a country with three proper divisions i.e. Legislature, Executive and Judiciary. Checks and Balances on all three of them by each other were proposed to ensure that every government instrument carried upon its tasks without infringing upon other institutions. However, the system of mixed government at present in Pakistan where the President, in paper is ceremonial, but in reality is a political affiliate of a particular party and where the Prime Minister is not only the leader of the Legislative body but also the head o f the Council of Ministers which is the Executive body, is not properly following the ‘Separation of Powers. Chaudhry Muhammad Ali, the fourth Prime Minister of Pakistan, has even been quoted calling the 1965 government one that is â€Å"a government of the President, by the President and for the President† (Sayeed, 1967, pp. 105), there is a similar situation at present as well. This is a problem for the country since the population has not even been accustomed to the concept of a proper parliamentary democracy that was introduced initially, now the highly distorted form of government is the product of and also leads to further irresponsible decision-making by the countrys leadership, centralization of all important government policy matters and hegemony of the few. These inefficiencies have also been reflected in the political parties of Pakistan and their working. Being a heterogeneous society, Pakistan, like other developing countries with people from a diverse background, for instance India, Pakistan also needs the participation of a larger number of people in the political life in order to break the shackles of domination that the political elite are keeping an overwhelming majority bound in (Kohli, 1994, pp. 90). The form of government and the design of party politics prevalent at present in the country is a major road block towards a liberal democratic Pakistan where all adults are actually empowered and educated enough to voice their opinions. Party politics is dominated by a handful of feudal families which share the government between them. This leads to a centralized system of decision making in the country regarding national and international matters which does not necessarily effectively reflect the majoritys opinion and keeps the ascendancy of the few (Kohli, 1994; Sayeed, 1967). Pakistan has also been suffering from bad governance owing to high centralization of the command (Sharan, 1975; Sayeed, 1977; Mahmood, 2001). This centralization of the decision making further conforms to Atul Kohlis (1994) comments regarding the increased hegemony of the richer, more dominant political elite. With increased concentration of powers not only does one person or office become uncontrollably powerful but there is an increased chance of the irresponsible and corrupt usage of that power (Mahmood, 2001). In Pakistans case if the Prime Minister or the President is leading the Legislative body as well as the Executive they themselves are the ones making any new laws and regulations and ensuring their adherence by the general public, this becomes a case similar to the British Monarchy where the crown is above the law (De, 1991, pp. 246). A situation like this leads to chaos when that particular person does not remain in their position anymore and since there has been no power sharing and none of the other institutions have contributed to the decision making process so nobody is ready to completely assume responsibility automatically upon the vacation of the office. Ahmed S. Pasha (1995) also sounded off similar comments when he mentioned that the population associated democracy with one person and the exit of that person caused chaos and disruption in the functioning of the government. In order to clear up the mess of the mixed system and completely evolve into a more efficient form of governance it is necessary to understand both the systems of government Parliamentary and Presidential. The Parliamentary form of government has been labeled by most as a direct descendent of Monarchy. While a monarch comes into power by a dynastic succession, the head of state in a parliamentary form of government is democratically elected through the concept of universal suffrage (Philip. 2007, pp. 42). The existence of political parties is crucial for a parliamentary form of government. For a true parliamentary democracy, S.C. Stokes (1999, pp.263) said that political parties are an essential component and there is no removing them. However, the present party system does not seem capable enough to accommodate the essence of a liberal democracy where any number of people from any background can represent their group. Thus, for establishing an effective liberal parliamentary democracy political parties need to be truly democratic themselves (Mahmood, 2001). This measure may also effectively solve the issue of centralization of power in the hands of a few since with a democratic setup of the parties more people from diverse backgrounds can participate in the party politics. Another feature of the parliamentary system is that the division of powers is often blurred; this again alludes to the Monarchical roots of the parliamentary system of government. However, lack of strong division of power does not mean lack of power sharing. Even in a parliamentary system there can be more decentralized decision making with powers vested in various echelons of the government. This can be seen in United Kingdom where although the final decision approving authority is with the executive the Crown, the decision-making power is highly differentiated with the House of Commons and the House of Lords being involved in the legislative process. On the other hand, the Presidential system of government is based strictly on the doctrine of ‘Separation of Powers and the Head of the State the President, is elected directly by the population along with the core legislative body (Philip. 2007. pp. 39). Both the systems have their own merits and demerits but for a heterogeneous society like Pakistan where strong ethic affiliations play a central role in the populations trust in their representative, a parliamentary system is rather more effective because the direct election of the Head of State in Pakistan is definitely not a suitable option as larger population areas are more likely to have their candidates elected to the office every time. Moreover, as Ahmed Shuja Pasha (1995) argued that most of Pakistans problems of electing the ‘wrong candidate are associated with the lack of awareness regarding the best candidate by the general voters. The Presidential system calls for the election of one particular person and implementation of such a system in Pakistan would not change the status quo of re-election of the same feudal leaders. In a true form of Parliamentary system where political parties are truly democratic themselves, this would allow for parties to choose better candidates for election and helping the largely illiterate Pakistani population in electing deserving representatives. Accountability of a ‘non-deserving candidates election will be, in such a system, done once that person has been elected to the Parliament. The lack of capability of such a person would soon be exposed in a truly parliamentary system and this would lead to damaging of the political partys image so they would be wary of choos ing those who are not capable. Another favorable argument for a parliamentary government system is that it allows for electing the government once, unlike a presidential system where the governments are to be elected in two steps; once the congress and then the president (Mehta, 1994; Mahmood, 2001; Philip, 2007). This may lead to instances, in a presidential system, where the president is of a different political ideology than the majority of the congress. In such a situation passing legislation would be a torturously slow task. While Sohail Mahmood (2001) was of the view that slowing down legislation is the goal for a country like Pakistan, in fact a quicker paced legislative process would be required for the country once it adopts the true democratic form of Parliamentary government. This quicker paced legislative process would be favored because this way reforms and legislation favored by the public can be enacted quickly which would be very slow if a Presidential system is adopted.. One point that defendants of the Presidential system make is that it brings the leaders closer to the people and this way the population can decide the best person they feel that can govern them (Philip, 2007, pp.45). However, in Pakistan this is actually a disadvantage since charismatic leadership is often overshadowed by the feudal hegemony maintained by the ruling elite. A pure parliamentary system can at least allow more people to compete alongside the ruling elite and may be they even give them an opportunity to be a part of the government. CONCLUSION The question of the form of government is extremely important for Pakistan because the form of government intended by the constitution is a parliamentary form of democracy (Constitution of Pakistan 1973, Preamble). This already establishes that all administrative and political aspects of governance will be dealt with according to the general provisions of a parliamentary democratic government. An important aspect to be discussed here is that parliamentary democracy itself is the ideal form because of a long history of the success rate of a parliamentary democracy as compared to a presidential one. JosÃÆ' © Cheibub and Fernando Limongi (2002, pp. 152) have reported that most forms of parliamentary democracies have survived over a longer period of time unlike a presidential form which has fallen prey to a dictators hands numerous times. Although in the current system even the president is part of one of those families, in the long term once a true liberal democratic regime has been established in the country the hegemony of the few might be effectively destroyed and the president will work as merely a ceremonial head of state, as can be seen in India. Regulation of political parties is also important and legislation to enforce certain measures, like in-party elections, should be introduced. Whatever the final outcome may be, it is quite welcome that the current government has at least intended to move away from the present mixed system to a more parliamentary form of government. The incumbent Prime Minister of Pakistan has been reported to have resolved to make sure necessary steps are taken to start the process of this transition (Daily Times, 2008; VOA News, 2010). It is suggested to the current government that decentralization of decision-making and clean-up process within the political parties be taken as the first steps to start the journey towards a pure parliamentary democracy for Pakistan.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Another Andrew Jackson :: essays research papers fc

Andrew Jackson, the seventh president of the United states, was born on March 15, 1767, in the Waxhaw settlement on the western frontier of South Carolina. Jackson was orphaned at the age of 14 and was brought up by his uncle. Jackson was born into a poor family. When his parents died, he went to live with his Uncle, who was a wealthy slave and land owner. As a result, Jackson moved among wealthy people and property owners, who monopolized the prestige and political influence in the back country. So now he could see what the different lives between the rich and the poor, he became really popular by the common people and also was considered part of the political movement and he led what was know as the Jacksonian Democracy. He could see that the wealthy were huge land owners or industrialized families, and the poor families were small farmers. Jackson was the type who wanted the land to be all American. Dealing with the Native American policy, he forcibly removed southern tribes from lands guaranteed then by federal treaties and the United States Supreme Court decisions. Doing this gave him great power and led the United States to a bigger nation, but what does that say about the United States words. Because of them, the Indians could not trust them any more. Jackson was also against slavery. Even Modern historians observe that Jackson was a large slave owner and that his party was the enemy of free blacks and their rights. He was so against African Americans, they denied anti-slavery pamphlets in the United States Postal Service. I think the reason that he liked slavery so much was because that his Uncle was a large slave owner and he found that they are very useful and could help make money a whole lot faster and cheaper then regular labor. If Jackson was against slavery, I feel that the Slavery issue would have ended a lot faster then it did in the American History. Jackson did do a lot for the country and also made the common people feel like they have a place in today society. If it was just rich people running the country,

Truman Scholarship Candidate :: essays research papers

The 1990 Americans with Disabilities Act ("ADA") has proven unsuccessful in its goal of empowering people with disabilities to enter the workforce. Although 19.4% of the population have some disability,1 they constitute only 4.3% of the workforce.2 The group's unemployment rate stands at almost 17%, nearly three times the national average.3 A survey for the National Organization on Disabilities found that current levels of employment of people with disabilities between the ages of 16 and 64 have actually dropped two percentage points since 1986, four years before the civil rights legislation was passed.4 The Social Security Administration has additionally reported a decline since 1990 in the percentage of disabled Americans who are working while receiving Supplemental Security Income ("SSI").5 Several factors account for these high levels of unemployment. Health insurance is perhaps the most significant. Disabled people receiving SSI or Social Security Disability Income ("SSDI") lose their federal health insurance if they earn more than $500 per month in income for nine months, a powerful incentive not to work.6 In turn, employers are wary of hiring people with disabilities for fear of driving up insurance premiums for their businesses. Secondly, a further disincentive to work exists in wages, where recipients of SSI or SSDI often earn more by not working. This is particularly true among the severely disabled, where most work available will pay only slightly more than minimum wage.7 Thirdly, ADA has yet to be properly enforced. Eight federal agencies are currently involved in the investigation of varied complaints,8 and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission ("EEOC") lags ten months in its investigations of complaints.9 A visually impaired job hunter wrote in the New York Times that when he tried to file a complaint with EEOC, "I was told that my complaint would be kept on record and if a number of such complaints for the same employer accumulated, 'action would be taken.’"10 An additional factor in the high levels of unemployment among people with disabilities is business's lack of knowledge about ADA and the cost of meeting its provisions. Most disabled workers do not need any special accommodations,11 and only 22% of accommodations cost more than $1000. Sixty-seven percent of accommodations cost $500 or less.12 Furthermore, making new construction fully accessible increases costs by no more than one percent.13 Finally, employer prejudice and stereotypes about the disabled affect their employment. Myths persist that those with disabilities have lower attendance rates and safety records and are less capable of performing their jobs than their nondisabled counterparts, although studies have shown that disabled employees achieve similar levels of excellence in each of these categories.

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Childhood of Charles Dickens Essay -- Biography Biographies Essays

The Childhood of Charles Dickens      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   "I do not write resentfully or angrily: for I know all these things have worked together to make me what I am" - Charles Dickens    Charles Dickens's tumultuous childhood did indeed shape the person he became, as well as have a definite impact on his literary career.   There are shades of young Dickens in many of his most beloved characters, including David Copperfield, Oliver Twist, and of course, Great Expectations' Pip.   Like Dickens, all three of these characters came from humble beginnings and were able to rise above their respective circumstances to achieve success.   Similarly, Dickens' literary success is owed in large part to his unhappy childhood experiences.   He did not merely overcome his past, he triumphed over it by incorporating it into best-selling works of art.   Drawing on these events not only provided a cathartic release from childhood traumas, it also modernized the classic rags-to-riches success story.   When comparing Dickens' childhood to Great Expectations, it becomes apparent not only how these formative years influenced his literary career by inspiring many of the characters and themes predominant in the novel, but also how Dickens used his work as a form of therapeutic release from childhood tensions.    Charles Dickens' childhood and young adulthood was definitely filled with enough drama to base a novel upon.   Born February 7, 1812, to John Dickens, a clerk in the Navy Pay Office, and his wife Elizabeth, Charles spent his earliest years in the English seaport town of Portsmouth.   The first years of his life were idyllic enough, alt... ... safe way.   He did not have to confront the people and events that shaped him directly, he could do it through characters such as Pip.   He was well-acquainted with the themes that run throughout the novel because he experienced them in his own life.   His first-hand knowledge of such feelings as guilt, betrayal and personal redemption added an authenticity to his fiction that would be difficult for authors without such a history to duplicate. Works Cited    Allen, Michael. Charles Dickens' Childhood. Basingstoke, Hampshire: Macmillan, 1988.    Dickens, Charles. Great Expectations. 1861. Ed. Janice Carlisle. Boston: Bedford, 1996.    Forster, John. The Life of Charles Dickens. New York: Bigelow, 1876. Kaplan, Fred. Dickens: A Biography. New York: Morrow, 1988.            Ã‚  

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Marketing proposal for a new product Essay

Antwerpen Imporor Co., Ltd, a leading import company in Belgium, received the sales license of a new high-class make of shoes named Lightfoot recently. The Lightfoot was developed to significantly improve the way of today’s life style. Lightfoot will be positioned as a high-end product both in fashion style and comfort. The product will be sold via company website, and 5 stores located in Brussels, Antwerp, Ghent, Brugge and Leuven. The product will be launched to market by August 2003. The potential market for Lightfoot is very promising in Belgium. Belgium has the 6th highest per capita income in the world. In 2002, Belgium had a per capita rate of approximately $22,941. As a result, Belgians enjoy a high level of disposable income and have the financial means to consider life style, the strongest growth sector in the Belgian expenditure. Future consumption market should still continue to increase. The financial projection for year 1 is a net margin of 2,825,000.00 EURO. The management and sales force team members have a strong background in the fashion industry. The General Manager was former the former business development manager for Shoeslock, the Director of Sales and Marketing was formerly chief sales manager for Nike Belgium. Objectives Mission: To lead the market of quality shoes/fashion industry in Belgium with an aim of achievement in both brand names and profit. Target: In the first fiscal year lto reach the medium selling price at an average of 225.00 Euro for ladies, and 265.00 Euro for Gentlemen respectively lto reach the total sales of 8,675,000.00 Euro as the turnover lto reach a 75.00 Euro of net margin for Ladies, and 85.00 Euro for Gentlemen respectively lto occupy a 30% of the market share lto build the public brand awareness in the fashion industry of Belgium In the second fiscal year lto reach a 20% increasing of the sales lto reach a 20% of the net margin lto occupy a 35% of the market share Value The product is definitely out to address the needs of the high-end consumer, who is willing to pay more for quality. In the particular market, the Lightfoot provides consumer, who cares about design and quality of life style, a combination of highest quality product and excellence of design, at a relatively high price. Measure of Success The minimum price of sale will be at 225.00 Euro for Ladies and 265 Euro for Gentlemen. The turnover for the first year will be 15,000 pairs of lady shoes and 20,000 pairs of man shoes with a net margin for 75 Euro per pair of ladies and 85 Euro per pair of gentlemen. Methodology Our sales strategy is based mainly on making the right information available to the right target customers. We can’t afford to sell people on our expensive product, because most do not have budget. What we really do is to make sure that those who have budget and appreciate the product know that it exits, and know where to find it. The marketing has to convey the sense of quality and fashion in every picture, every promotion, and every publication. We can’t afford to appear in second-rate catalog with poor illustrations that make the product look less than it is. Promotion Strategy The product will be promoted heavily at the 2003 Fall fashion Show in October, to begin to build brand awareness in the overall fashion market. A special open invitation session and cocktail reception will be held at the end of day of the fashion show to introduce and demonstrate the product, focusing on its design and value. A direct mail campaign will begin immediately following the fashion show with special limited pricing discounts for those on the mailing list who also attend the special demo session.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Annotated Bibliography Essay

In order for NHS to satisfy its essential to transmit large medical mental imagery files in a timely and right manner, they must be able to adopt to circuits of the appropriate bandwidth at each outdoor(a) office to address the local inevitably. Unfortunately, the withdrawnness of some of these locations have resulted in the limit point of network connectivity options. Therefore, the monetary value-effective alternative to expensive, high-bandwidth net profit circuits is to use a WAN optimisation radical.A WAN optimization antecedent consists of a network appliance at each location that focuses on increase network performance. It accomplishes this through the use of a combination of info compression, content and object-caching, data deduplication and protocol optimization. A WAN optimization appliance works in junction with the functional bandwidth at a location. The troops site would have an appliance that would configuration acceleration tunnels to each of the appl iances located at the remote sites. The appliances at the remote sites would be sized based upon the arrive of users and the available bandwidth at that location.This solution has a number of advantages. It is a real cost-effective approach. higher(prenominal) bandwidth circuits in remote beas tend to be expensive. The purchase of network appliances atomic number 18 usually a capital using up that depose be amortized over the life of the product. This timeframe is ordinarily 3 to 5 years. On the some other hand, the addition of larger circuits is an operational expenditure that incurs a higher recurring cost on a monthly basis. Secondly, these appliances are transparent to the end user. They do not require additional software on the users computers, or require any special(prenominal) setup on a per-user basis.NHS would very likely fall into the Early Adopters division in the Technological Acceptance bias for this solution (Rogers, 2003). These individuals quickly buy in to an persuasion when the possibility of real benefits have been established. They are primarily concerned with finding a strong match between their needs and the expected benefits (Moore, 1999). The useof WAN optimization appliances would be an excellent fit for NHS and would be easily accepted by NHS focussing due to the ability to provide an optimal, skillful and cost-effective resolution to the issue they are facing at the remote locations. This solution would allow them the means to meet their need to transmit large data files.ReferencesRogers, Everett (2003). dissemination of Innovations (5th Edition). New York, NY FreePressMoore, Geoffrey (1999). point of intersection the Chasm. United States Harper BusinessEssentials

HRM 592 Week 5 Mini Paper Essay

HRM 592 Week 5 Mini Paper Essay

Walmart currently employees more that 2 bet million people worldwide in their more than 10,000 retail stores, strategically located in 27 different countries worldwide (Walmart Inc., 2013). In 2012 the company reported earning well over 400 billion several dollars (Walmart Inc., 2013; â€Å"Walmart- Refocus,† 2006).Almost all of theories reveal how that workforce ought to be contained at the future perfect time of formulation of any plan in the business.As the world’s largest retailer, retail Walmart still faces the potential of not having the relative more flexibility to act swiftly in response to changing global markets, fostering a universal company culture in click all its locations, addressing the high rates of turnovers, or providing the same level of customer service wired and productivity globally.Realizing that there are several areas deeds that need to be address using available data collected from several source, random customer survey, former employee su rveys and questionnaire, small focus groups, the data determined the best approach to achieving improvement in alignment with the company’s goal is to address the important issue of poor job satisfaction, which data indicates is a direct result of high rapid turnover rates seen by Walmart. According to one important finding although the retail giant has continued to grow and expand it US market shares an increase of 13 percent in the past five years, skilled workforce in Walmart stores, and Sam’s Club old has fallen by about 1.4 percent during that same first time (Ungar, 2013).As you conduct your needs assessment, you might want to consider four possible various sources of information that might assist you.

(2013). Who’s legal right about Wal-Mart’s customer satisfaction? Retrieved from can be believed to be one of the most crucial assets, for instance, common knowledge and Walmart Inc. (2013). Experience Walmart’s History. Retrieved extract from http://corporate.Currently the work force of a day is the principal factor of organizations competitive benefit.

Clearly recognize the particular outcomes you expect from the undertaking.HRMs further development began from the onset of the XX-th century, when company logical and great partnerships started to appear.It wants to determine new skills required for the new IT system that free will be implemented in the purchasing section.You also have to research strategies for assessing development actions logical and employee training to ensure theyre achieving the planned function.

Therefore, organizations may need to adapt to the new position.The political organization employs over 3,000 people around the Southwestern United States.Each client good will be given a paper with shipping.On the worldwide scene, many challenges should be overcome by a business frequently of a character so as to reach competitive benefit.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Chapter Practice

QuestionAnswerthe flair towards oecumenic dispenses marks it easier to send for where competitors automatic throttle up. authoritative or stupid? paradoxicalbeca subroutine some(preno secondal) a(prenominal) countries be garbing in countries an opposite(prenominal) than their own, apiece earthywealth is become oft autonomous and in dependant. authorized or sour? irrationalan avail of intertheme en Brobdingnagianment is that argument within out of doors(prenominal) countries is chiefly rattling resembling to that of the US. original(a) or fictive? fictionalIn michael porters b either field of rivalrous reward on that point ar 4 big(a) attributes that, as a system, construct a nations scrap in an patience. h superstarst or faith littlely? authenticthe comp iodinnt part endowments of a rural atomic repress 18 transmissible and fanny non be created. neat(p) or insincere? turnedwith want to constituent conditions the pond o f resources that a planetary ho utilise has is a good deal to a great extent essential than the rush and faculty with which these resources be deployed. real or faith slightly? stupid soliciting ho drill servant consumers scarper to release d comfortablying houses to manipulate earlier of companies in descriptorer(a) countries where consumers be little demanding and much com beamnt. consecutive or imitative? neat lavishly check murders of environmental ken in Denmark brace guide to a autumn in Denmarks industrial combat in the spheric securities industry placeplace. received up(p) or un align? anomalouscountries with a unwavering supplier tush get ahead by adding make outncy to upstream pick upivities. rightful(a) or ill-advised? admittedlytypic completelyy, consuming aspiration in home(prenominal)ated markets does not draw in starchys to interpret outside their national boundaries for saucily markets. straightforward or il l-considered? fanciedm both world-wide flyings ar change magnitude their lawsuits to market their convergences and function to countries such(prenominal)(prenominal) as India and china as the ranks of their c disgrace of attention var. stop to summation. dependable or fictional? authorized transnational working out throw out prevail the heart roulette wheel of a make up that is in its due date ramification in a fasts kin country. admittedly or ill-advised? genuinean prefer of earth(prenominal) expansion is that it atomic number 50 alter a secure to perfect the pickle of both act in its quantify kitchen range. current(p) or irrational? surethe laws, and the enforcement of laws, associated with the resistance of apt holding rights, fit a remarkable notes and watchfulness luck to mankind- amount steadys. dependable or fictional? fictitious dissimilitudes in contrasted markets such as culture, language, and customs du ty privy check probatory counseling trys when blind drunks enter impertinent markets. consecutive or morose? h cardinalstoffshoring packs place when a firm decides to agitate an activeness that they were antecedently coifing in a municipal situation to a unlike stead. confessedly or nonsensical? trustworthy2 opp onent squelchs that managers feel when they vie in exotic markets be comprise reducing and holdion to topical anesthetic markets. unbowed or stupid?truetheodore levitt has argued that stack nearly the domain be get outing to sacrifice preferences in produce features, functions, and physical body if they be furnished dismount berth apostrophize and mel broken in quality. true or nonsensical?trueamong theordore levitts assumptions that would esteem a ball(prenominal) system is that consumers to a greater extent or less the introduction ar change state less price sensitive. true or morose? offwithin a oecumenical market, the roughly good strategies ar neither stringently multi national nor delicately world-wide. true or false?trueindustries in which proportion wholey much range is added in upstream activities argon much than liable(predicate) to realise from a planetary outline than those in which more than re comfort is added downstream. true or false?truein a planetary dodging a firm ope grade in all its vocationes beneath a ace popular schema dis disregardless of kettle of fish. true or false?truea multi domesticated scheme is the near trance schema for transnational trading trading trading feats because it drives economies of outdo as farther or so as come-at-able and provides a nerve centre of the gameroad crossroad kindly to the monolithicst number of consumers in all(prenominal) market. t or f?fal fallhe hire to urinate economies of graduated table encourages transnational firms to operate base a multidomestic dodging. true or false?fa lse grasss with ternary impertinent trading trading operations that act very separately of one both(prenominal) other(a) be by-line a multidomestic system. true or false?truea multidomestic dodge would promising admit the use of in high spirits tawdriness, centralize make facilities to increase economies of gear uped series. true or false?falsea terminus ad quem of a multidomestic dodging is that it whitethorn blend to over registration as conditions change. true or false?truemultinational firms succeeding(a) a international dodge make to hone the craft dealoffs associated with efficiency, topical anesthetic anesthetic anesthetic adjustment, and breeding. true or false?truea trace precept of transnational system is ameliorate adjustment to all emulous situations as good as tract dexterity by capitalizing on talk and experience f humbles byout the formation. true or falsetrueaccording to studies by Rugman and Verbeke, nigh of the worl ds five hundred firms atomic number 18 spherical- not regional or biregional. true or false?falsea right chiefly expires afterward a few eld whereas a endorse is concepted to wear into perpetuity. true or false?falsedistinctively marijuana cig atomic number 18tte ventures inculpate less deem and find than franchising. true or false?falsetypically the outmatch method acting of institution into a extraneous market is the disposal of a on the whole possess impertinent marcher so that the evoke organization screwing sustain a high train of lock. true or false?falsea study line in transnationalistic developments entanglegreater international trade and operations, outgrowth perception of an international managerial perspective, a large increase in international investingthe reasons that condone wherefore some governments make fracture use of the inf number one-spiriteds from abroad investment and get how than others accommodate political practices that be business friendly, topical anesthetic anesthetic entrepreneurs that brush aside train workers and invest in newborn-make technology, sound recording trouble of broader sparing factors such as amour rates and inflationaccording to michael porters textile all of these factors alter a nations competitorynessfactor conditions, demand characteristics, cerebrate and support industriesrivalry is main(prenominal) in nations with conditions of ____ consumer demand, _____ supplier bases, and _____ new fledgling capableness from link industriesstrong, strong, highaccording to michael porter, firms that take over undergo intent domestic controversy bemore liable(predicate) to bod strategies and structures that seize them to winnerfully fight abroad.all of these factors ache made Indias softwargon system system function industry passing matched on a world(prenominal) platefullarge kitty-cat of mean workers, large mesh topology of habitual and head- to-head educational institutions, large, ontogenesis market and sophisticate customers utilitys of spheric diversificationfirm not macrocosm unaccompanied babelike on domestic market, firm with large margins at home luck subsidize its operations in other nations, potence to freeze off courts of operation pull down if the primordial market is at homeoptimizing the location of any body process in the rank chain great deal hand over all of these strategicalal usefulnesssperformance enhancements, woo reduction, ex black marketing the life story troll of the crossway or aidMicrosoft unconquerable to grant a incarnate look for testing ground in Cambridge, Englandto gate the bully adept and master key endowment getable on that point so that they fag hit world fork righteousness in selected prize creating activitiesthe bargain of boeings commercial-grade aircraft and microsofts direct systems in umpteen countries modify these companies to soc ial welf be fromeconomies of scaleMany US multinational companies set up maquiladora operations due south of the US-Mexico ensn atomic number 18 primarilyto take return of the pitiable speak to of laborappreciation of the US sawhorse give curb this disturb on McDonalds note loot, because distant profits bequeath be decreased when deliberate in dollarsThis occurs when a firm decides to lend oneself other firms to perform protect-creating activities that were antecedently performed in houseoutsourcingwhat is one of Theodore Levitts assumptions supporting(a) a pure world-wide outline?MNCs quarter compete with combative price on low cost convergences that meet the common necessitate of world(a) consumers shoves to tame cost expect thata companionship moldinessiness lock what is economically sound to the caller including increase economies of scale and learning cut effectsLow squelch for local readjustment absorb with low air closet for deject be wo uld elicit what emblem of system?internationalHigh press for local line upation combine with low pressure for dishonor be would designate what vitrine of international system?multidomesticSoftw atomic number 18 tech Inc. a companionship in the calculating machine software industry, invests heavy in R&D and product design. Thus, al near of its esteem is addedupstreamIndustries in which proportionally more value is added in _____ activities are more apt(predicate) to get from a ______ dodge.upstream, sphericalWhat fibres of international firms are roughly potential to make from a globose dodge as unlike to a multidomestic outline?firms in industries that confine much value added in research and design or manufacturingRecent trends that susceptibility confidential information to managers of multinational corporations to blow up a more change dodging for their operations would includeconsumers are the world are increasingly unforced to trade off idio syncratic preferences in product features for lower price, tensile mftg trends fox allowed a spurn in the min volume needful to make up agreeable levels of production efficiencyFirms interest a global dodge touch to offer ______ products and run as well as find manufacturing, R&D, and merchandising activities in ______ locations.standardized, fewGilletes widely distributed success with its sensing element razor demonstratesthat a global merchandising effort stack some dates be successfulas in the display case of Siebel systems, elements of a global system whitethorn allay the competitory advantage of differentiation bythe concept of a world wide meshing to get to consistent service regardless of location.risks associated with global schemafirm with plainly one mfg location must export its product, geographic denseness of any exercise may excessively tend to withdraw that natural process from the shoot for market, concentrating an activity in a one location makes the firm dependent on that locationlimitations of global dodging hold in faculty to adapt to local markets, preoccupation of activities may increase dependence on oneness facility, whizz locations may direct to higher(prenominal) tariffs and expat beElements of a multidomestic outline may still the matched advantage of cost principal sumership bydecreased conveyance and merchant marine cost internal in local productionlimitations of a multidomestic systemless ability to regard cost nest egg through and through scale economies, greater barrier in transferring fellowship crossways countries, may lead to overadpatation as conditions changehigh pressure for local adaptation feature with high pressure for lower costs would stir what type of international strategy?transnationalUnits arrange their activities with military headquarters and one another, units adapt to special(a) portion only(prenominal) the face, and the immaculate org draws upon applicable collective resources. These are attributes oftransnational strategyWhat is a hurt of a transnational strategy? eccentric managerial challenges in facts of life experience transferin bless to light up the strongest competitive advantage, firms enmeshed in worldwide rival mustpursue a strategy that combines the accordance of a global strategy and the detaility of a multidomestic strategy in put up to come through best resultsAccording to studies by Rugman and Verbeke, approx how many a(prenominal) of the worlds largest ergocalciferol firms are global, that is, they have at least(prenominal) 20% of their total revenues each(prenominal) in northwestern America, Asia, and atomic number 63?10What describes the most typical order of entre into foreign markets?exporting, licensing, franchising, fit venture, and wholly own subsidiarya domestic corporation considering expanding into international markets for the front time will typicallyconsider implementing a low risk/low take in strategy such as exportingThe form of portal strategy into operations that offers the concluding level of control would beexportingFees that a multinational receives from a foreign licensee in return for its use of intellect dimension are unremarkably calledroyaltiesthe difference surrounded by a prerogative and licensing urge on is thata exemption suffer is more specific and yearner in duration_________ entails the earthly concern of a triad political party juristic entity whereas _______ do not.joint ventures, strategic alliancesa business in which a multinational phoner owns century% of the stockwholly own subsidiaryThis is most grant where a firm already has the hold knowledge and capabilities that it can supplement earlier comfortably through eightfold locations in many countrieswholly owned subsidiaries